GSPK Design are delighted to announce a successful audit by SGS Baseefa for the ATEX approval of ISO 80079/34 in our production and manufacturing facility.

This means we can continue to manufacture intrinsically safe equipment and protective systems used in potentially explosive atmospheres.

The audit process involved the production team as well as senior management, the auditor left no stone unturned to award us with the quality assurance notification (QAN) ISO 80079/34.

The auditor thoroughly checked all of the current procedures we have in place in our design and production departments. Everything from our purchasing processes right through to testing and the final checks we make to every product with ATEX approval.

ATEX approved manufacturing facilities















The systems we have in place benefit our customers greatly, with every part of the process they are safe in the knowledge that they’re ATEX approved equipment is being designed, tested and manufactured to the highest calibre. Our experienced production team of manufacturers have worked with ATEX products for a number of years and are fully versed when it comes to ensuring the customers product arrives in their hands on time, to spec and ultimately safe.


What is ATEX?

ATEX is a French abbreviation of Appareils destinés à être utilisés en ATmosphères EXplosibles (Devices for use in explosive atmospheres).

It consists of two European Union (EU) directives:

  1. For employees who use equipment and potentially are at risk in explosive atmospheres. – The ATEX 137 workplace directive 99/92/EC
  2. The manufacturing of equipment to be used in potentially explosive atmospheres – the ATEX 95 equipment directive 94/9/EC

GSPK Design was awarded the second one on this list, the ATEX 95 equipment directive


Processes play a key part in gaining an ATEX approval and many different companies carry out the auditing process (in our case we used SGS Baseefa).













Who Will Benefit from an ATEX Approved Manufacturer

There are many different working sectors that will benefit from an ATEX approved Electronic manufacturer, including:

  • Oil Industry
  • Gas Industry
  • Petrochemical
  • Power and Marine Industries
  • Chemical
  • Pharmaceutical

As you can see these industries all have a potentially explosive atmospheres and will use electronics in some form.

Another industry that is still evolving is the drone market. It was recently announced by Maersk that they had commissioned French drone experts, Xamen Technologies to design and produce a drone that was capable of taking small packages to Maersk tanker ships. Everything from food to medicine can be delivered from a safe site on-shore saving valuable time for the ships destination as there is no need for it pull into harbour. Check out the video below to see the ATEX certified drone in action:

The future of ATEX approved equipment

The future of ATEX approved equipment is always expanding, with the ever growing need for technology to be smarter and more accurate. Accuracy is key in all of the industries that are considered to have the potential to be explosive as one wrong move could prove disastrous.

With emerging markets such as the drone industry being used in hazardous areas the future for ATEX equipment is looking positive. More and more money is being invested into technologies and industries are adapting to this by coming up with novel ways to use it to their advantage.

GSPK Design want to work with companies looking to manufacture new electronic equipment for the different industries.

If you would like to discuss more about working with us on an ATEX approved electronic design, then do get in touch using the form below or click here.

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Some of the North Yorkshire’s most talented young entrepreneurs went head-to-head as the Young Enterprise, Yorkshire & Humber, Company Programme Competition heats up. Four teams from schools across the county found out last week which of them had earned a place in the Young Enterprise Yorkshire and Humber Grand Final due to be held at the Merchant Adventurers Hall in York on June 15th. The teams, which have been taking part in the competition to set up and run a business since September last year, have all presented to a panel of highly experienced judges, undergone rigorous interviews and set up trade stalls to their companies. The prestigious awards ceremony was held at the Pavilion’s of Harrogate on Tuesday, May 10th. This year’s teams include Pearl from King James School in Knaresborough, which makes bespoke glass and bead jewellery; tourism business Magentaprize from South Craven School in Keighley; Chains from St Aidan's C of E School Harrogate, which also makes jewellery, and; Cutting Edge from St Peter’s School in York, which produced a Chair Yoga DVD, “Get Fit Whilst You Sit” for use with the elderly and people suffering with mobility problems. Paul Marsh, Managing Director, was MC of the Ceremony, Chair of Judges and presented an award which was supported by GSPK Design Ltd . GSPK Design supported the award for Most Innovative Product/Service. Presenting the award Paul said…….."Innovation is all about change and improvement, and this year all the teams showed this in great abundance. It gave us great pleasure to present the award for Innovation, GSPK Design pride ourselves in constantly looking to improve and innovate and we felt it important to indentify and recognise this within the competition." As Chair of the Judging panel and also as MC of the event Paul went on the say……"The competition is really hotting up and the finals are going to be difficult to judge. This year there are some extremely passionate and committed young people, with business skills and acumen that would rival a lot of their seniors. Good luck to them all." Jill Tinsley, Development Manager for Young Enterprise North Yorkshire said, “ GSPK Design Ltd have given Young Enterprise tremendous support over the years. Paul Marsh in particular has been a great advocate for Young Enterprise and I’m really pleased that he was able to lead the judges and be able to hand over an award to such an enterprising company as Cutting Edge.” The overall winners Cutting Edge will now go on to compete in the Yorkshire and Humber final on June 15th at Merchant Adventurers in York, and the winner of that will represent Yorkshire and Humber in the Young Enterprise national finals on 11th – 13th July.
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